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UK Music Teachers

James Formosa Bass

James Formosa Bass

Instruments and Services

Electric Bass Lessons | Aural Lessons, Theory Lessons, Composition Lessons, Jazz Improvisation Lessons, Online Lessons


Elmfield Road, Peterborough, UK

Level 2 Diploma Music Performance, Level 3 Extended Diploma Music Performance, NSPCC Private Tutor Training, DBS Checked.

Pop, Blues, Funk, Soul, Rock, Metal, Country etc.

Ages 16+

£30 p/h


Hi, my name’s James, I’m a Peterborough Bass Player and Teacher, and I run James Formosa Bass Tuition.

My Mission:

My mission is to provide bassists with a musical education that I wish I had received, by offering a highly personalised, curriculum based music education for bass players.

Why I started James Formosa Bass:

My journey through musical education has led me down most of the established routes: music school, private tutors and online platforms.

And while they all had their merits, none could propel me to the next level of bass playing that I was so desperate to achieve.

The problem is that, music schools, local tutors and online platforms, just aren’t giving you the time and planning necessary for your personal growth as a musician.

Think about it:

Music Schools:

Along with being wildly overpriced, resources are stretched over hundreds of students daily.

Local Tutors:

Good tutors are hard to find, and teaching is often a side gig. Leaving you with unplanned lessons and little direction.

Online Platforms:

By nature, these platforms cannot offer you a personalised experience that’s focussed on your developing your skills.


When you take a step back and analyse these forms of education, it’s clear how individually flawed each of them can be.

But when combined, can offer a definitive bass education that’s:

  • Completely unique to you.​

  • Solely focussed on your improvement.

  • Suited to your level.

  • Designed to improve your playing as fast as possible.

  • Goal-oriented and easy to follow.

  • Provides out-of-lesson resources and support.
    So that’s what I’m offering; a high quality, structured bass education that’s customised to your personal goals. To make you the best possible player you can be, in the shortest timeframe possible.

Teaching Info

After your free playing analysis, you’ll receive your 4 week lessons plan so you can see your unique learning pathway, which is designed around your goals and interests.

Your lessons are pre planned 4 weeks in advance, so that you know exactly the outcome we’re working towards, and how you’re going to get there.

During your 1 hour lessons, we’ll be making the most of every single minute, as we already know what you’re going to be learning that day.

No more “What do you want to learn today?” and “What did we do last week?”.

On top of this, you’ll be going home every week with a lesson specific resource to work on until our next session. You’ll also be set online google classroom assignments to help keep you accountable.

Lessons are available online or in person from Peterborough, UK.

Find out more at

James Formosa Bass

Contact James Formosa Bass

Elmfield Road, Peterborough, UK

Message James Formosa Bass